About NBC

The National Building Council—a unique partnership of the Malta Development Association and the Kamra tal-Periti.

This unique partnership at the very core of our collaboration and has been conceived with a joint vision to set the benchmark in the construction and property development industry. The National Building Council believes in adherence to the principles and charter that underlie the collaboration agreement. The council is passionately committed to nurturing a vibrant policy committee: the compass guiding us in crafting thoughtful policies; criteria that are fair; qualifications that are robust; and terms that are clear for industry service providers.

The MDA and KTP, both being exclusive entities of rich experience and expertise, coming together stand for the single, combined cause to fortify sustainability, elevate quality, and enhance safety practices. This partnership jumpstarts our quest on a journey together to reshape and improve industry standards.

So consider this your invitation to join us in this exciting adventure where our collective efforts shape policies, define criteria, and set the gold standard for excellence. The National Building Council is not just a collaboration; it is a community of excellence, sparked by collaboration.

Our Partners

MDA - Malta Development Association

Bringing developers & stakeholders together
It links private real estate developers to the relevant state authorities and to customers through numerous initiatives and activities and promotes responsible development and ownership of real estate in Malta through legislative advocacy, educational programs and professional networking opportunities. MDA advances responsible, sustainable development that creates jobs and benefits the communities in which its members work and live.
Since 2017, it has formed part of Property Malta Foundation, which is a public-private initiative set up with the main aim of promoting Malta’s lifestyle identity and to position the country as a leading destination of choice for everyone interested in purchasing property in the Mediterranean.

Il-Kamra Tal Periti

The Kamra tal-Periti (Chamber of Architects and Civil Engineers) traces its roots to the former Chamber of Architects which was established in 1920 to serve as a body for the self-regulation of one of the oldest established professions. The Chamber is somewhat unique amongst similar professional organisations in Malta since its regulatory remit and functions arise from specific Legislation. Today, the Kamra tal-Periti is established and governed by Subsidiary Legislation 390.01 which, amongst other things, specifically makes provision for the various functions that allow the Kamra to regulate the profession of Periti on a nationwide scale.

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The National Building Council—a unique partnership of the Malta Development Association and the Kamra tal-Periti.